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What an array of food greeted the assembled company for the Parish dinner. Ham and scalloped potatoes. Veggie casserole and sweet and sour meatballs. Soup and cheeses. Salads and pickles and warm rolls. And don't get me started on the dessert table! 

Ana and Conny had done a great job of spreading 'love' throughout the hall. It looked so pretty, it was too bad it all has to come down for Lent.

After the meal we had a round of St. Oswald's Trivia. And no, Ian, the last Sunday of the church year is NOT called Hallelujah Sunday! And nobody is ever going to forget that the altar cloth has five crosses embroidered on it....It was felt that the groups with Fr. Gordon or Rev. Maggie had a distinct advantage. When the answers were added up--some of them being in Spanish!--indeed, Maggie's group won and they all took home a jar of Sandy's jam as their prize.

It was a fun evening!